How to bring awareness among people covid-19 and the ecological balance of nature.
At present all the theories and researches made by the human beings with regard to the Ecological balance have various outlooks and these all have a single mainstream because nothing concrete have so far been brought as about conclusion in this regard.
Since the disease Covid-19 prevailing throughout the world and all the nations of the world are struggling to seek some kind of treatment for this disease.
But still as I have already exclaim that nothing has been concrete disease for example- even no vaccination or no vaccine have so far been invented by all the medicinal authorities of the world.
Though 24 hours medicinal authorities throughout the world are working to good some kind of concrete treatment in the form of proper vaccine. But still are totally failure and in this measure as I already said nothing can't be predicted.
Only hope and aspirations in simpler words the expectations are on and everybody is looking forward and waiting for them very eagerly & anxiously.
If we see towards the western countries because allopathic treatment is given preference there but in other countries of the world like India some Aayurveda and another country's homopathic and various types of treatment is been given everywhere on geographical ground but only one thing remains to be considered that all these efforts have brought nothing so far.
Now it is to be seen that in any corner of the world and any kind of treatment weather uh homopathic,Allopathic and Ayurvedic or something expected on the part of ancient priest is also weather considerable but still we have no concrete vaccine we simply can say that all the efforts are still proved failure. So it is necessity as of the moment for whole of the universe to consider more and more.
If some vaccine is not invented the efforts can be made in the direction of bringing the ill effects of Coronavirus unaffected I means no casualty should be resulted and its power Coronavirus power should be minimize so that lives can survive on this earth.
However, everywhere throughout the world all the medicines have been tested in one or other form in different corners of the world, but so far no can concrete result have been shown and the corona disease is likely to be continue for an uncertain period that I have exclaimed many times that it is such kind of disease for which no treatment seems to be occurred in the minds of the medicinal world and it is due to only effect and due to this reason that all people of the world are looking towards the faces of others.
So it is a city on the part of whole human civilization surviving on this planet on this earth that in every aspect in every sphere of life we have checked list whether is the field of flora and fauna or the medicinal world all the fashionable world are the informational technology and various fields are there.
But in so far as the question of COVID19 is concerned all such efforts though these have been made but no concrete solution have so far been invented. That's why we are saying that it is a pity on the part of the whole human civilization that our specialist means our doctors have done they have made their efforts very well but in so far as the result is concerned they have proved totally failure till date.
Now it is very essential in case tangible vaccination is not invented then the efforts should be made in the direction of bringing down ill effects on the body particularly the lungs of oxygen in our lungs should be made by the scientists.
If vaccination is not invented then the human beings can survive in its effect are made less or done minimize.
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