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Difference between monsoon climate and extreme climate


On the earth we feel the effect of many climates and it is accordance with the geographical situation of the nations and equally the natural powers altogether effect it so our today's topic is that the climate made by the monsoon winds and the extremity of climate so for this purpose if we see then the position becomes clear by having an outlook over the whole map of the world.

Difference between monsoon climate and extreme climate

As a result we can divide this world in which two continents as it is well certified in geography these major continents are Asia and Europe so by living or by setting aside the Arab countries the situation becomes very clear that monsoon winds have the direct effect on the countries line in Asia Continent namely India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Russia and Hong Kong etc.



Difference between monsoon climate and extreme climate

And if you take the case of Europe continent which is the major part in connection with the conditions of climate so the most of the countries lying in in Europe the climate there is very cold but comparatively the climate ascertained why the monsoon winds it quite contrary to it. So first of all we shall draw our attention towards it the climate made by the monsoon winds.

Monsoon winds actually in the summer season arise from the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal and also partly from the Pacific Ocean which mainly Surround the Indian geography on free sides is monsoon winds have a major effects on Indian climate as a part of Asian countries.

Difference between monsoon climate and extreme climate

The monsoon winds comparison particularly in the month of July start from the coastal areas of India and then proceed towards Northern side by bringing rainfall.


In major parts of India and also after India these winds effect climate of Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, China, Russia, Hong Kong and the neighbouring countries which lie in Asia Continent show the climate it mostly affected by the monsoon winds because these winds brings rain in the summer season in Asia Continent show the climate as a result loaded all the humidity in almost parts of Asia Continent and the weather become very pleasant and it results in bringing all the landscape lying in the Asia Continent full of greenery.


Difference between monsoon climate and extreme climate

And the major crops whether these are fruits trees or tree plantation and various types of flora and fauna are in a prosperous condition wherever you're going to the Asia continent in monsoon season you a certainly and one can certainly find the weather when the suitable and green tree can be observed everywhere in hall of the Asia continent due to the monsoon winds on the contrary where there are no monsoon like in Europe continent the weather conditions show so not much change.


Difference between monsoon climate and extreme climate

Though, in Summer season there is a increase in temperature even in in cold countries and western countries where measure of the countries lies in in Europe continent but the absence of monsoon winds there is no effect on the climate of Western countries which mostly lie in parts of Europe continent so we can draw a confusion that there is no effect of monsoon winds on this earth there is less very less change to the climate and only few little rise temperature can be observed.


In almost all the countries of Europe continent so it is the major effect which divides both the continents on the basis of monsoon winds certainly the monsoon winds bring greenery to wherever we find its effect but it in western parts of the world there is no effect of monsoon winds and climate remains statutory only as I already told that some rise in temperature can be felt various parts of Europe continent.

Difference between monsoon climate and extreme climate

Now if we take the case of Arab countries they are altogether effect less from the monsoon wind so there is no rainfall or rainfall is very less therefore there is much lack of greenery in almost all the Arab countries so monsoon winds has no effect on Arab countries but one thing which can be observed in the climate of the Arab countries is that the temperature remains very hi there in comparison to is lying in Europe continent and snowfall can't be observed in Arab countries because there is a lack of hills and the earth level is very even it is not odd another country is so throughout the year except the winter season the temperature remain very high in Arab countries. 


So, if we by can treat the whole of the earth of this planet we can conclude very easily that Asia Continent it is largely and deeply affected by the monsoon winds Arab countries Remain effect less and a little rise temperature can be observed in the areas of Western countries where there is much snowfall.


And much snowfall in western countries can be observed on the high peaks of mountain and sometimes on lower levels altogether that is why the temperature remains similar in the western countries which lie in Europe continent we can say the example of USA, Australia but some parts which lie on the equator line the countries like South Africa remain affect less from the climate comparatively observe in western parts or Western Nations of the world so if we observe the world map the equator line has it on effects on the climate those particular countries which lie on the equatorial position of geography on world map.


Difference between monsoon climate and extreme climate

So as our topic is limited show the extremity of climate as well as the effects of climate brought about by the monsoon winds.

So conclusion say only this much that the country is line on the equator line are always having high temperature and summer season of the total summer due to high temperature can be observed on the equator line on all the countries which lie on the direction and on the countries I mean the Arab countries so little change due to change in weather because winter season can also be observed in Arab countries but the situation in western parts of the world excluding South Africa and Southern countries which lie in the direction or on the portion of Earth where from the equator line on geographical Grounds passes through much temperature can be observed there so extremity of high temperature can be observed in those countries which lie in the direction of equator lines as well as the Arab countries.


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But in other Western countries there is less effect and snowfall can be observed in most of the countries lying in Europe continent and these are the major countries like Australia,Greenland,USA and other countries too which lie in the Western parts of the earth so extremity of climate can be observed in Arab countries on the countries lying in the direction of each line and season wise the rise in temperature can also be observed in Asian countries too because only these are the monsoon winds which affect the climate of Asian countries after summer season but less effect of season on Arab countries as well as the countries lying in the Western parts of the earth so if we observe the geographical condition of various Nations then we can draw the conclusion at those places where there is no effect of monsoon winds we find no extremity climate but those places which are effect less to the monsoon winds like Europe continent excluding those countries which lie on the equator line.

Difference between monsoon climate and extreme climate

Because on equator line the temperature remains very high throughout the year even in winter season the temperature remains very in the countries like Africa South Korea etc. And these countries are mostly inhabited by the blacks. By in western parts there is a majority of white people in USA.


Because USA divided into parts Northern USA and Southern USA.

Difference between monsoon climate and extreme climate

USA is mainly in Habitat by the mean blacks at Northern mainly inhabited by the whites. So it complexion of the people is analysed then we can say easily that the country of the population of those places where we find the blacks at the larger numbers there is the activity of Summer and where we find the population of white there is the extremity winter or the snowfall.


Points to make our nature green

So climate certain effect the geographical conditions along with the flora and fauna the living the human being and they are in working conditions but the countries lying in Asia Continent are neither negroes nor the whites. They have usually the wheatish complexion so these are some effects are due to the extremity of climate in various parts of the world and we can easily observed the effect of monsoon winds those areas which lie in the direction of monsoon winds most of the major countries of Asia Continent are neither black complexioned not the white complexion they have mostly the wheatish complexion so on the basis of complexion the effect of activity of climate as well as the effect of monsoon winds can also be analysed very easily.


Even in Arab countries the people also have the white complexion because the summer season remains is an extremity and the winter is also in activity there so where is there is a balance on the seasonal grounds in such places wheatish complexion people.


Difference between monsoon climate and extreme climate

While there is snowfall in low temperature there is a majority of white and throughout the year like in the case of countries lying in the equator line they are mixture of blacks and the whites as well due to the places divided on administrative grounds as if you take the cases of  all of the USA then the negroes as well as the white and blacks almost in equal ratio show the population there is always due to United Nation is under the USA government.




Sometimes during the past history there was discrimination between blacks and whites in as well as in Africa but now the whole scenario has changed and on the administrative grounds in the countries like South Africa, Korea or the USA they have the equal rights according to the large of their constitution established by their governments.

Difference between monsoon climate and extreme climate

So because our topic and focus is on the extremity on climate and the effects of monsoon winds of climates we have analysed it up to some extents on the basis of geographical conditions of prevailing the various parts of the world so we can say a that the extremity of the climates and effects of monsoon winds have both certainly effects various effects and of different effects on the whole of the human civilization lying in both the continents majorly mainly as Asia and Europe.

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