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The rotation of earth as heavenly body


The facts Prove by Mathematician & Scientists  

Day After day and night after night, we see sun, moon and starts Rising in east moving in stately procession across the sky and sinking in the west and ever since the dawn of human intelligence men must have noticed the same thing.


But so long as a thought of the earth as a flat plane, it was easier to picture the Dome of heaven as turning over the Earth then to imagine that the Earth might be turning under the dome of heaven. Even Pythagoras, who believe that the earth was a globe floating in space. Didn't suspect that turned round under the stars. He imagine that it stood at rest at the center of the universe, and that the stars were attached to a sphere which turn round it from east to west.

So far as we know, Seracalides of Tonus (about 388/ 315 BC) was the first to state perfectly clearly that it was the earth itself which turned round and that this was by the heavenly bodies appeared to move across the sky.

The momentum is always present in every heavenly body

It is not difficult to prove for ourselves that it is we who are moving around under the stars and not the star that are moving around above our heads. Now that we all drive cars, we are all familiar with the property of matter that we describe at (inertia).


About a century after Christ, Plutarch explained it in the words, "Every- thing is carried along by the motion natural to it if it is not deflected buy something else." 15 years later, Issac Newton describe the same properties of matter by saying that everybody perseveres in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a straight line, unless it is compelled to change by forces impressed on it.

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The Momentum continuous on old course

Whenever car is running freely, stopping the engine doesn't stop the car, the momentum of a car is still carries it forward, and to stop it we must either put on the breaks or wait until friction and air resistance break the motion in a more leisurely manner. Not only every object but every part of an object seems to wants to continue which present motion and will only make a change it something on it and compels it to do so. If we turn the steering wheel of a car, we can make the lower part of the car follow the front wheels but the upper part will seem to want continue on its old course. If we turn the wheel too abruptly there is danger as we know that the car will overturn.

Or if the road is icy or muddy that the wheels get the grip on the road the whole back part of the car will tend to follow its old course, So that the make skid. We shall encounter this property of inertia very often on our journey through time and space.

Important Notable fact

It is important to us at the moment because it provides us with the simplest and most convincing proved that the Earth actually is rotating if we sink a heavy ball or wait, Pendulum wise at the end of string, we shall find that it keeps on sinking in the same direction in space, No better how much the top of the string is twisted or turned above. We can know more sphere the slew of the pendulum in space by turning the top of the string than we can sphere a car on ice by turning the steering wheel.

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Fact proved on the basis pendulum

Now, let us our pendulum sinking in such a direction that it sinks towards and away from Sun clearly defined landmark , such as Church tower. As we want the motion to continue for a long time, we had better take a really heavy weight and suspended from a high rope if we try the experiment on a less massive scale the pendulum will be stopped to soon by air resistance.

All the heavenly bodies remain in Momentum and never remain motion less

Here our main course of description is Express the motion of heavenly bodies and not only the earth but all heavenly bodies which have always their motion of direction from east to west. our earth itself is like a heavenly body in the space rotating independently so it is the case which all the heavenly bodies like our Sun stars Milky way and all other heavenly bodies pertaining to the universe.

 On the basis of these facts and finding is can be concluded that whole of the universe always remains in motion and similarly of the heavenly bodies also remain in motion and No heavenly body ever remains constant we describe our polestar and like planets. But the reality is that whole of the universe and all the heavenly bodies always remain in motion so we can easily say and make it a constant fact that all the heavenly bodies have there rotation towards east to west and always remain in motion and we can't find and the heavenly bodies motionless at any moment of time.

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