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Water Resourses Detail Explanation

                                  Water Resources : Detailed Explanation 

What are water resources?

Water resources are the natural resources which useful for all living things. Water is required for many purposes like irrigation environmental activities industrial. All living things need water to grow and reproduce.

Graphical representation of water

On the earth water constitutes 97% salt water and remaining 3% is freshwater. Freshwater is mainly obtained from groundwater. Freshwater is considered as the purest form of water.

71% is water and 29% But we keep on living, but this 71% water can be 75% because the land will not  grow,  water grow up

And this is also fact, if water is water at 71% then 97% in it!So the whole account is not water drinkers, 97% of that water is salted water.Only 3% is pure water, out of which we get less than 1% pure water.

There are many different forms of pure water, such as some water sources.Something is under the ground something is above the truth Some are also found in ice

Water is a cyclical resource with abundant supply on the world. 

Water will now be operated (evaporation)  from the ground level and then condensation will take place after that.  Then dark clouds will form.  Then there will be preservation again.Then after that it will rain and there will be snow on the glaciers or that snow will be flowing whether tomorrow or doing similar water cycle keeps going

We also know that three or four percent of the earth surface is covered by water if there is a more water than land on this earth. Why do so many countries face water scarcity?
the following table gives the distribution of water in percentage

Ocean:97 %sline water
Ice caps :02.0%
Ground water: 0.68
Fresh water lakes: 0.009

Water resources in India

Now we will know how is the water system inside India?

India accounts 2.45% of world surface area.And India gets 4% of the world's water out of which 16% Population water.

Now the water that we can get in India.  He could get only about 4000 cubic meters of rain

What is surface water & ground water ?

Surface water

Surface water is water that rises above the ground, such as snow or in the form of rivers, the water we see in rivers or snow.  That is called our surface water.This water is potable and about 10360 rivers in India Out of which they also have many tributaries and are present with a length of more than 1.6 km
Mean annual rainfall is about 1869 cubic km
Only 690 cubic km usable.

Ground water

Ground water is the water that is extracted from inside the ground is called ground water.In many ways we are able to take that water through the technology through hand pump and there are other things which are ground water.
Total replenishable groundwater is 432cu. km

The level of groundwater utilisation is relative in the river basin playing in North Western region and parts of the South India.

groundwater data  on the decline:States consume more than recharge-

Punjab :172%
Rajasthan :137%
Delhi : 137%
Haryana : 133%

States of water use in other states

Tamil nadu : 77%
UP :74%
Gujrat :67 %
Madhya pradesh 51%

Water Demand and Utilisation 

 India is an agricultural country in which water is very much needed for agriculture.The whole of Islam was largely run with the help of our agriculture.You also know how to grow crops in agriculture.  Most water is needed.The water level that can be seen here is only potable only  3 percent.
The rest of the water is salt water, from which we cannot cultivate nor bring it to the fields because it can ruin the crop and many more.

"Definitely there is huge pressure on groundwater and river flow of several rivers has also decreased. As a result river-aquifer interaction has been influenced. Wherever there is lack of organised water supply, the dependence on groundwater is high," Ghosh added.

Mukherjee said in order to develop a sustainable groundwater management programme, it is important to know the exact stresses.


"We need to develop a much robust quantitative approach, possibly with help of advanced hydroscience and data science techniques to understand the conjunctive water demands and usage," Mukherjee said.

We know that life is only possible on earth due to the present of air and water. Life on the earth is impossible without water. water is undoubtedly the elixir of life but people waste a lot of water everyday. we have adopted many careless ideas to waste water. we have forgotten that water is also a gift of nature. we waste water because it is given us free of coast. India is a large source of water, but there are many countries in the world where people suffer from the lack of water.
We must save single drop of water as soon as possible by steps. some steps are following :-
*we should turn off the tap when it is not in use.
*We should use Rainwater harvesting.
*We should not use fresh water for gardening or washing car
*We should use bucket and mug bath instead of shawer bath.
*We repair our leakage taps and pipes.
By adapting these steps, we can save water and save lives of those people having lack of water.

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