Life Span of Some Organisms
Lifespan is a period from birth to the natural death of an
organism. It can be vary from as short as few days to as long as number of
years. Lifespan can not necessarily be correlated with sites of an organism
i.e, it will be a misconcept to say that smaller organisms have shorter life
span and larger organisms have longer life span.
Maximum life span
Maximum lifespan to the maximum number of years survive or
the greatest age reached by any member of a species the average lifespan refers
to the average number of years survived for age reached by the members of a
population. Life expectancy, the number of years and the individual can expect
to live for, is based on average life span. It can be defined as the age at
which half the population state survive. Thus, maximum lifespan is the
characteristic of species life expectancy is the characteristic of populations.
Maximum life span of wild animal
It is very difficult to estimate because science of senility
for extreme old ages are feldom seen in them. Animals living under natural
conditions really approach here maximum possible age because of very high death
rates due to infant mortality, diseases, predators, bad weather , accidents or
competition for food and shelter. For this reason the most reliable information
about the duration of life sperm comes from Zoos, where accurate records are
kept and animals live under conditions almost ideally suited prolong life. The
maximum lifespan of domestic dog is about 20 years and that of a laboratory
Mouse is 4.5 years.
The Maximum lifespan of Humans
It has been estimated to be about 121 years. This rest on
the fact that the man in Japan, Shirechiyo Lzyni, reach the age of 120 years
and 237 days in 1986. He died after developing pneumonia. Average lifespan and
the expectancy of human have grown dramatically. In general, the rate of
mortality of humans had gone down and the lifespan have increased it is 56 in
India where as in the United States, it is 78.
The limited lifespan and mortality
Limited lifespan means that the death of every organisms is
in editable i.e all individuals are mortal except single celled organisms.
Despite The Limited lifespan and the motility of organisms, a variety of plant
& animal species are well maintained on earth through the process of
reproduction. Reproduction ensure the continuity of strength species.
Some Knowledgeable Facts
One species of jellyfish, Pumitotsis Nutricula, reverts
sexually immature stage after reproducing, rather than dying as a other Jelly
fishes. Consequently this species is considered biologically immortal and has
more maximum life span.
Women and to have a lower mortality rate at every age. In
the womb male fetuses have a higher mortality rate (babies are concived in a ratio
of about 124 males to 100 female but ratio of the surviving to birth is only
105 males to 100 femles).
Among the smallest premature babies (those under 2 pounds or
900 g) female again have a higher survival rate. At the other extreme about 90%
of individuals aged 100 are female.
Lifespan of Some Selected Animals Max. Span (years)
- Ant Queen 15
- Bull frog 30
- Toat 36
- Giant Salamander 55
- Mud Puppy 23
- Cobra 28
- Turtle 123
- Humming bird 8
- Parrot 140
- Owl 68
- Eagle 65
- Pig 27
- Tiger 25
- Lion 30
- Dog 20
- Chimpanzee 45
- Rhesus Monkey 29
- Squirrel 16
- House Mouse 3.5
- House rat 4.2
- Horse 62
- Elephant 70
- Fin Dack whale 80
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