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Love: a spiritual quality


Love: a spiritual quality

Most people when asked what spiritual quality is needed to rebuilt civilization will reply love. Man must love one another. These Nations must do likewise and then the series of cataclysms which is threatening to destroy us will be checked.


Love is a great force in private life it is indeed the greatest of all things but love in public affair doesn't work it has been tried again and again buy the critise civilization of the Middle Ages and also by the French Revolution is secular moment which reasserted the Brotherhood of Man. It has always failed.

The idea that nation should love one another or that business concerns marketing boards should love another or that a man in Portugal never should love a man in Peru of whom he has heard that it unreal and dangerous. The fact is we can only love what we know personally and we cannot know much and public affairs in the rebuilding of Civilization, something has read it namely, tolerance.


Tolerance is a very dull virtue it is boring unlike love it has always had a bad press it is negative it is nearly means putting up with people be able to stand thanks no one has ever written in odd to tolerance or raise statue to her yet. This is quality which will be most read it. This is the sound state of mind which we are looking  for this is the only force which will enable different races and different classes and interest to settle down together to work of reconstruction.

The world is very full of people it has never been so full before and they are all dumpling over each other most of these peoples one doesn't know and some of them one doesn't like the colour of their skins, for the way of talk well what is one to do? There are two solution one of them is a Nazi solution. if you don't like people till then segregate them and then strut up and down proclaiming that you are the salt of the earth.

The other way is much less thrilling but it is not on the whole of the democracy if you don't like people put up as well as you can don't try to love them you can't it you will only strange yourself but try to tolerate them on the basis of the tolerance civilized future may be built.



Going back over 2000 years and to India there is a great Emperor Ashoka who set up inscriptions recording not his is on exploits but the need for Mercy and mutual understanding and peace.

Emperor Ashoka has been the follower of Mahatma Buddha and in his period he was a great emperor who owned a vast empire on the gospel of nonviolence, peace, tolerance and most of all work for the Welfare of his public and so far as the case of on individual life is concerned he totally started after being the follower of Mahatma Buddha.

The life of his saint full of pronunciation and self-contentment. So history stands witness that even those emperors who worked for the Welfare of the humanity on the basis of peace, love, tolerance and including although services which are essential for whole of the humanity was the only Emperor Ashoka.

And it is only the result of his great deeds that he still remembered not only by the Indians but it all the major countries of the world and his ways for working for the welfare of public and for every country man is really praiseworthy rather we can say that on the basis of all these virtues Ashoka - The great king showed the light to the rest nations of the world that only those rulers who work for the welfare of the public would always remain great and altogether they will be worship by the coming generations.

Such is the quality of love and tolerance here in this case we find no kind of anger heater content jealousy and all those Immoral things which can be easily found in the nature of a great king or a ruler.


we made great

On the basis of all the contents mentioned above we can say that these are only the the great qualities which make a person great and by following The Spiritual qualities which lie in love, tolerance service of mankind think for the Welfare of others and likewise all such qualities which are the sources of being admired on every part of this earth and throughout the world as well.

So on the basis of these qualities we can say that love is a great quality and remove the national boundaries even based on contempts and jealousy like Immoral factors can be removed but these days it doesn't seem possible however we can say a undoubtedly that if the human qualities like love tolerance welfare and the service of mankind are followed by the rulers of the world as well as the citizen of that different nations of the world we can make our human civilization great.

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