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Fossil fuels: the information and facts


Fossil fuels: the information and facts

For long ages and with the geographical conditions with the passage of time the situation changes into the law of nature so thousands of years ago there was a time when the different types of animals died and they came under the various types of like ingenious and sedimentary rocks in those times there were the big mountains and the died body of the animals came under the pressure of those huge mountain peaks and the different types of crude oil in the form of while refining in it many ways and with different methods it was transform to mobi oil petrol diesel kerosene oil grease etc. But at present the total scenario of the geographical condition of the world has change and the almost large producing of fossil fuels are the Arab countries in this world at present.


So it is the real meaning that though it is the lack of high peaks and mountains in the Arab countries at present but history Trends business and the changes of nature with the passage of time are also witness towards this fact because the oil producing country almost the Arab countries in the world. Are the largest source of fossil fuel producing countries at present.


Many war have also come for in this regard because due to increase in the trade industry with the help of industrial establishment with the manufacturing of war weapons and so on and likewise every nations of the world required fossil fuel in different ways because most of the industries and logistics of the world depend on crude oil or different types of oil for establishing various industries because even the machineries employed in various industries are so require the mobil oil and Grease for the proper functioning of the machinery established in various types of industries in different parts of the world.


So it is the major requirement for which struggle always goes on because despite the Arab countries the destinations of the world have only partial sources for producing fossil fuel from the near most Oceans and seas now a days mountain peaks are and have remain very nice everything the case of India that fossil fuel up to some extent in available in some States particularly at Digboi ,Mumbai high which is mostly the kerosene oil in order to supply the lubricants and also for the transportation purposes the fossil fuels is the requirement of the moment and every forward developed or underdeveloped nation and country of the world. Always required for Industrial and development and the working of functioning the proper of machinery in the form of lubricant require the mobil oil and grease extra so everywhere there is a large demand of fossil fuels throughout the world weather this is the case with Asia continent or the Europe so these are the two major continents in the world where the geographical Grounds the whole of the universe and the world has been divided are always and remain always for a comments and necessity of fossil fuel in one or the other form so it is very essential for every country for advancement trade industries going to different purposes and various reasons demand of fossil fuels is the far most so everywhere throughout the world there is a demand of fossil fuels and the single source of supply of fossil fuels are the Arab countries in the world though there Earth level is even and  odd because the hills and mountains are in very lack and all the Arab countries are very deserted and on the files of sands and the lack of greenery in almost Arab countries wherever any person wants to visit those countries this fact can be easily defined as well as observed there.


Fossil fuels: the information and facts

If we can template over the advantages and the disadvantages of fossil fuels there is no denying the fact that where there are the sources are fossil fuels there are the Wells from which it is extracted mostly in the Arab countries of the world like Iran Iraq Dubai , Bruni etc.

The fossil fuel is produce I have just explain it is largely produced in Arab countries of the world so we shall have to consider is advantage and disadvantage all together the most advantages can be incorporated by keeping our mind the usefulness of the fossil fuels which is far most requirements of all the nations of the world. So it is the larger advantage of fossil fuels and on the basis of which the Arab countries has become richer because these countries are the large producing fossil fuels nations of the world so these are the advantages because of the usefulness of fossil fuel or every forward inflation and all the machineries and industries working in different nations of the world weather these are developed or underdeveloped nations of the world almost as we have recorded the members of United Nation Organisation the countries are  likely to be number as 193 show all these countries and nations of the world always look towards the Arab countries for the supply of fossil fuel. It is only the advantage the people are by administrator management of Arab countries and getting benefits different age from other countries the essential commodities which are required by them weather in the form of necessity comfort for the luxury as well so so these are some advantages of being the large reducing countries in the field of fossil fuels but so far as the portions of disadvantages concern foremost and the aperient reason is that these countries Remain always the lack of drinking water.

And water resources because when the wells tube wells and other sources of water are invented in Arab countries there is lack of rivers canals and different sources of water so all the water required by the Arab countries in the form of drinking water for the purposes of washing the clothes running their industries established in the oasis in different parts of Arab countries totally depend on water supply which can be done only by the various Nations of the world according to their sources of their transportation for the Airways as well so these are the most disadvantages of the situation prevailing of Arab countries which are the largest sources of fossil fuels and are trying their best improve their trade and for there enrichment in sphere only looks towards the rest parts of the Nations all the Arab countries for the supply of water for different uses so the water is the most disadvantage which is not available in Arab countries and also the essential at the far most necessity for the survival of the human beings and other creature in the Arab countries of the world this is the farmers disadvantage so there is no environmental pollution like the other countries of the Nations at all because all the Arab countries are desert is ones and dost parts of the Earth which are deserted and quiet outfit from the part of different sources which are essential for the human civilization are in the lakh of all these sources so they are the major sources of fossil fuel supplier but for other necessities they look towards the nations of the world.

So it is the most disadvantage on the part of all the Arab countries of the world.

Various nations of the world have established different sources of producing in the fossil fuels in different ways like establishing the fossil fuel oil the major oceans of the different nations of the world of their ocean territory which has also been divided by the different nations of the world in partial forms so all the major source of sale are the Arab countries not rest of nations of the world at all so if we considered about the sale of fossil fuel that the most empowered and sources are only countries the Arab countries which are which are the only supplier of the fossil fuels for the rest nations of the world. Now it is also the case with that the nations of the world that try their best different ways to save the fossil fuels so that these countries should not be bounded make more payments for important fossil fuels from the Arab countries so almost all the nations of the world are trying their best to say their fossil fuel resources in accordance with their requirements and their geographical conditions so despite the Arab countries every almost every nations of the world is trying is best to say the fossil fuel oil which is used by them in different ways.

Fossil fuels: the information and facts

 As I have already explained so if they success in saving and uses than these countries can avoid much expense which is made by them to the Arab countries the major supplier of the fossil fuels that to the rest the nations of the world. So far as the question of saving the fossil fuel is concerned it is not very considerable fact because all the nations of the world are reducing their demands in order to avoid the payments made by them to the Arab countries for the supply of fossil fuels which is very essential for them so they are searching many other sources for producing other types of soil crude oil mobil oil grease kerosene oil etc. By way of vegetation plantation and different sources are being made by all the nations of the world to save the fossil fuel because all the nations of the world despite excluding the Arab countries are bound to make much payments to the Arab countries in this regard so these countries are trying their best to avoid the demand of fossil fuels for different various research is being done by various nations of the world for this purpose so it is very limited and All the Nations excluding the Arab countries are looking for the major supply of fossil fuels towards the Arab countries.

Fossil fuels: the information and facts

So sources saving the fossil fuels are not so much as can the deficiency of fossil fuel for of the countries of the world which are in the larger need fossil fuels totally look towards the Arab countries for its apply so in order to make their demand less trying their best to save or to research all alternative sources like solar energy like other many sources as I have said because the floor resources or the vegetation or the different types of plans also produce the diesel and other types of necessary oil. But all these saving sources of the characterized by the various nations of the world are not so much capable at to full-fill their demand completely so all these Nations at present even look towards the supply made by the Arab countries and all such Nations are bound to make larger payment in this direction no concrete solution have so far been invented by any nations of the world which remain in the requirements of the necessity or the demands of fossil fuel and despite the Arab countries all the nations of the world have not this sufficient sources in order to for meeting their requirements.

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The sources of fossil fuel are not renewable at all so the stock of fossil fuels are reserved and the availability of fossil fuel totally at present is being made by the Arab countries and only the Renewable Sources are the efforts made by the different nations of the world according to their requirement but the necessity can't be reach with these Limited sources so at present the position is quite a parent that it all the nations of the world are still looking towards the Arab countries for meeting their requirements of fossil fuel for the different purposes so no solution is research or invented so far by any country of the world because resources are not renewable only the alternate give the measure to lessen the demand and requirement of a particular Nation on this issue.

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