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Why are earthquake occur in India? will it be more frequent the near future


Why are earthquake occur in India? will it be more frequent the near future

There are so many natural the devastation on this earth in the various forms like the volcanoes, Tsunami waves and so many devastating natural occurrence and happening are very common so far is the case of India is concerned there are no volcanoes. Though Charles Darwin in his evolutionary theory have expressed that most of the part of the earth in its blow there are Lava and magma very hot material in liquefied form so whenever there is some action in Lava which is large quantity below that and blue the oceans and blue the mountains and hills it causes earthquake in several parts of the world.


So far is the case of India is concerned earthquake are commonly felt in the Northern parts of India because in South in part Ocean surrounds India on three parts all the northern parts are attached with the earth and several other countries but only 3 sea source there are Bay of Bengal Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean on three sides of Indian cost so effects of Lava under the sea levels because different types of waves like Tsunami tide and many types of dangerous winds which are time to time given different names as recently Gala affected mostly the parts of West Bengal, Odisha and also of Kerala even so earthquakes mostly do not occur in the southern part of India. The northern parts are much affected by the earthquakes because when lava changes its position on under the earth the hilly areas particularly the Aravali mountain and Himalayas The Hills like Shivalik and other Hills of other these mountains become the cause of frequent earthquake in Northern India and its effect most of the cities and areas lying near the Ganga and Yamuna plains and in northern parts of India and Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh also even level of the earth like the northern cities Jammu and Kashmir several parts of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and New Delhi and also some areas of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh are also affected by the frequent earthquake though no prediction can we make in this regard but upto some extent on geographical grounds and by the intensive study of seismology the scientist are in a position to the frequencies of earthquake Northern part of India.


Recently six or seven times earthquake occur in Northern India including Pakistan and also the neighbouring countries as well but as we know that the measurement of earthquake is made on the reactor scale when the scale remains below 7 there is no devastation and distraction so recent earthquake didn't make and drink much distraction on the northern parts and cities of India but still the seismologist have predicted that these are earthquakes are likely to occur frequently e in Northern parts of India on lower scale I mean less than 7 reactor scale.


Why are earthquake occur in India? will it be more frequent the near future

When earthquake react more than 7 reactor scale destruction can be brought by them and it was the case of Gujarat state in 2001 effects of earthquake and at reactor scale were 7 and likewise so much destruction in the year of 2001 was brought by the earthquake particularly in the most parts of Gujarat state and its major Centre was such a territory.


Now at present some surrounding areas New Delhi the capital of India are the central points or have remain the central points of earthquake but on reactor scale it was for below the 7 it was round about 3 plus some points so it didn't cause any kinds of destruction the northern parts of India but still as the seismologist already predicted that earthquakes are likely to occur in in most of the parts of the Northern India but also remain below the 7 reactor scale and with its effects remain upto 3 or 3.4 something upto 4 reactor scale then no loss of life  flora and fauna is made so we can say and conclude that the effects of  earthquake in Northern India recently or for the last so many years very less and very less destruction is made at the northern parts of India so Gujarat in this regard in a year 2001 is the near instance where a large scale devastation occured but after 2001.

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Whenever the earthquake affected the seven parts of India particularly in the Northern parts no much destruction have so far occurred so it is a matter of great delay that's so far the kill effect of earthquake have not occurred in Northern parts of India which includes some parts of Central India as well so conclusively we can say as the seismologist had predicted that in future also bigger place are reported to occur in frequency but even then it has also been protected that there react scale will not exceed till to no destruction likely to be occur in future even however these are the natural calamities so more definite production on this issue can't we made because we can't minimise affect the activities of Lava and magma in the liquefied in very hot form below the Earth which almost remains 35 kilometres below the earth level so it's position has not so far been measured and efforts are being made for intensive studies and to understand the reasons of destruction made by these earthquake but still the most of the northern parts of India are quite safe from these earthquakes and again I would like to say in future even Indian northern parts would also remain effectless which means no much destruction is likely to be caused by the frequency of earthquakes in Northern parts of India in future even so it is not a matter of much worry and though we have no precautionary measure to establish some kinds of control over the activities of Lava and Magma which is the main source of bringing earthquake on the earth but still it is the fact that it on the basis of several studies made by different departments of the world containing to seismology much effect can be observed in the countries like Japan where the volcanoes explode and much destruction is brought by them  


 But, In India the position is or the situation is quite otherwise escaped as I already explained the destruction caused in the year 2001 Gujarat state is the only instance when it really affected the Indian economy in the past form but now all those villages parts of the several cities in Gujarat have been reconstructed and at present ill effects of 2001 can't be seen in many parts of Gujarat state so there is much loss of life in the Northern parts of India definite prediction in this regard can't be made because it is beyond the powers of human Technology and it is only the natural phenomena which work according to the benefit of nature. We see that the northern parts of India would remain unaffected by the frequent earthquakes but for a long time no prediction can be made in this direction.


So only in this much can be said that wherever in India the earthquakes occur mostly in the Northern parts of India the people are much every apprehended become out of their residences because earthquake serves the surface of Earth and the construction in various forms make on the earth so people are naturally apprehended because we have so far no sources to establish some kind of control power the actions of earthquake at present the position is quite satisfactory in this regard but in future what likely to be happen is beyond the powers of human studies and sources as well.

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