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What is Digestive System and how it works


What is Digestive System and how it works

Digestive system in our body is very essential because if the digestive system is not proper then no energy can be reproduced in the human body so like palpitation of heart the functioning of lungs Kidneys the digestive system in human body it is the major function performed by the various organ and it is only the source which utilizes the food in its proper form and can energize the human body if the digestive system is not proper the person would remain very weak and he can easily fall victimise of many diseases due to the shortage of sufficient quantity of proteins carbohydrates fats minerals vitamins and other necessity nutrients which becomes a blood producing source at large two digestive system plays an important part in the hygiene of a human being now how the digestive system functions we know that first of all the food is taken in the mouth our teeth quick queen chewing.

What is Digestive System and how it works


The Saliva in our mouth as some beneficial juices like rennin and pepsin and there are undertaken in our intestine after our muscle push food along with the rainin and pepsin juices produce by our saliva pushed in the food pipe. And with a slow process the food passes through the food pipe the pancreas our body which like the very near most lower part of our chest bones after pancreas the food riches our stomach where there are to intestine the big intestine and the small intestine the food is first enters our small intestine which are in the form of food pipe are in rotatory form and very lengthy show the food passes to our intestine where in order to digest the food all necessary requirements are made by the proper functioning of our intestine when the food is digested properly and all the necessary enzymes are working send the parts of food towards the small intestine where the food is fully digested and should in the form of out waste along with the water so water passes through were Kidneys and in the form of urine while the best part of food is extracted in the form of part which we leave toilets so majorly it is is the function of digestive system in our body but in case there is some black from the very far most part of our mouth the food is not chewed properly by our teeth and saliva is not produced insufficient quantity then it lacks and badly effects our digestive system from the uppermost part of our body which is our mouth and their after food pipes simply then the food passing through the pancreas to our stomach where uh there are big and small intestine so some when beneficial enzymes added in the digestive system by our intestine particularly our big intestines and if the food after supplying the different types of enzymes by the different organs inner organs of our body in our intestine the food passes to our small intestine the food is properly digested the urine part through kidney passes through our urine as I have already explained the waste part of a food remains in the form of toilet which is extracted.

So these are organs of our body which functions in our digestive systems and if there is any lack of particular uses of all the engines so these enzymes are beneficial and harmful as well so it is very necessary in order to make digestion proper the in our organs particularly in the digestive systems all these enzymes are very necessary there is some kinds of lack then food is not properly digested and it food not properly digested it can't give energy the various organs of the body and all the food is the major source of energizing our body because if we analyse it an ways then the function of lungs also plays an important part of our digestive system because lungs purify the blood which is accumulated in our heart and Heart function like a pump and also white blood cells and red blood cells play there in important role in the whole system.


But here we are simply confined to the digestive system so all the organs which function in the digestive process or the digestive system should remain very proper if there is some black or less quantity of any kind of uses enzymes hormones and other necessary for that justice system it doesn't function properly for example if the food taken by a person is not full of nutritious elements substances like carbohydrates protein minerals vitamins enzymes and so on the digestive system wouldn't function properly and no person can remain healthy for one of proper digestive system so it is very necessary because if the proper diet is not taken here proper diet means nutritious food is not taken by a person suddenly we can't stimulate The Other lives and parts of body and always feel laziness weakness and can victimise several kinds of diseases digestive system in our body is the major organ and every person in order to remain healthy must take care of of digestive food and it he doesn't take care of it and some for the sake of taste junk food and likewise are taken by a person then they would always remain the lack of many things and in the absence of digestion the proper function in certainty disturb and the person is bound to remain lazy and weak rather it can't be prolonged so digestive system in our body and taking in of proper food is very essential a person to stimulate is health hygiene and also for the safety of other Limbs of the body.

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