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Why should we protect the nature?

Creations of nature are very strange it combines save earth and the Peaceful together but so far as the question of human civilization human beings and the Civilization being prosperous for this earth are limited two words are the sources of protection of nature which life in our biosphere in our technological balance in all the flora and fauna in our oceans and all together near most parts of our state so it is only the topic of giving once ideology


                                     How to protect our nature


So it is said that we are making our best efforts to make the human civilization on this earth brink of many problems like environmental pollution maintenance of ecological balance and altogether the effects of sun rays it has mainly affected the ozone layer it has also become present the main reason of global warming and also the activities on Antarctica can also Incorporated in this topic because light and the sun itself by its ultraviolet rays presently is affecting the changing of weather in some parts of the southern portions of the earth as well as Northern countries even then we can say on this much that there has a become a large whole in the layer of ozone which protects all the flora and fauna including human civilization living on this earth so it has resulted in the increase of global warming all together with activities on the Antarctica continents as it is very snowy and accept and by rearing by single animal namely Reindeer can survive only whole on the Antarctica geography.


They with the help of Reindeer move some kinds without sledges without wheels because these can make moments drawing by rentals on Antarctica ocean the people on Antarctica live in the houses which are called igloos. There of its human civilization if on it own kind rather the efforts made so far by the made our parts of  the people living on this planet have remained effectless in so far is the questions of Antarctica. The species can survive on Antarctica by keeping help on snow covered houses they also drink the water there from the snow in their houses and the civilization is totally temporary human programming prospering on the earth I mean on human planet.


On the geographical Grounds all the nations of the world which is situated two large continents has divided on geographical Grounds Europe and Asia are prospering in there always but still the human civilization on Antarctica or the thousands of years has remains the same because man has to extend their helping hands towards the skims living on the Antarctica continent and they simply can template make their best efforts on this earth other human Civilization different ways is progressing well dispatch the several problems due to Geographical ground and keeping in view the natural conditions on this earth if so far as the safe science has given something to the human civilization is only limited up to the discovery of moon and the Mars planet it and the other planet still remain undiscovered.

Though their is sufficient knowledge on this earth about the natural satellite at artificial satellite but those portions of the space which are beyond the reach of the human efforts are also the part of nature but we can't explain much more about does planets which have remain unreachable so they are in existence but simply the human imagination in working sources of nature which so far remain uninvented by the human beings despite making several efforts by the human civilization and all together that efforts made by the Agencies by NASA functioning mainly the space of nature.


Why should we protect the nature?

Nature contains all those parts of universe but it only the imagination and predictions are the following which for the human beings living on this planet nothing more said about the unsearch and uninvented unexplored parts of the nature like the number less starts simply the human efforts have discovered by help of astrology as well as by help of science the planets almost situated in the nearest part of earth as well as the foremost part from the earth planet so still much work remains of the part of the human being to the explore many mysteries of nature also fore and exploited by human beings so we can't say much about them science always functions on the basis of truth and if some parts of nature are beyond the reach of the human efforts only the imagination and the efforts to be made by the space agencies are the sources at the disposal of the human beings living on earth at present So, the main topic of our article how to protect the nature here in the case of nature we are only limited up to the preserve Nations of our environmental Ecology and the biosphere and the areas in the surroundings for the nearest parts of the earth so the main thing Remain to be discussed as well as exploration is only how to safeguard and how can the human civilization can survive in the nature which is highly prospering on earth planet because Earth is a self is a planet on the Cosmos and also of the universe as a home.


So in our subject measure these are only limited towards those sources which are available in a part of human civilization.

So simply we can protect the nature as well as survive on this earth by making efforts towards keeping in view the environmental problems and the problem arising it is fear of ecological balance and many other ill effects as reported on the earth by various exploration made by the human beings for the Welfare of all of the humanity on the earth so the topic is all together beneficial and it is a very advantages such kind of opinion and ideology will always remain in favor of the human civilization if human beings on this earth become successful enough in order to safeguard which biosphere ecological balance environment and the atmosphere as a whole so we have now at our disposal the main topic how this earth can be made what's living and full of prosperity by solving of problems containing our ecological balance and environmental pollution and the atmosphere and likewise so we simply which is the for all requirements for all the creatures surviving and living on this search breathe oxygen surviving and leave carbon dioxide the first requirement as the propriety to maintain ecologist balance and to make this earth free from the environmental pollution and all together all kinds of pollution and also the atmospheric conditions which stand in disfavor of the human civilization on the earth so we are mainly concerned with those problems the ways of human Civilization on earth are limited up to the maintenance of making an environmental pollution free atmosphere biosphere and also ecological balance in the nearest part of the earth and the sufficient quantity is required for oxygen or survival of all the creatures on this earth.

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Though all other things many other things also very necessary but the major requirement is to provide our planet Such an environment which remains free from any kind pollution now in what ways the environment is being polluted by the human beings is well known by the world authorities on this planet so their is no need to explain it much more complete the balance which is very essential for prosperity of the Human Civilization on this earth is only Limited upto those sources which make our biosphere free of environmental pollution and the maintenance ecological balance in all together all the atmospheric conditions prevailed the surrounding of the earth by making efforts in this direction only nature can be made useful all the problems can be solved by the human beings who are surviving and living on this planet by making all those efforts which i have already explained.

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